Attestation and Citizenship Renouncement

Document Attestation/Legalization

The Embassy may attest documents issued in Nepal or Foreign countries provided they have been attested/legalized – with some exceptions – from the authorities as mentioned below. For submitting the documents, please follow the following procedures:

1. Attest/legalize the document from the following authorities – excluding some exceptions – as provided below.

    a. Documents issued in Nepal

Document issued in Nepal, with the following exceptions, should be attested by the Department of Consular Services(DoCS), Kathmandu before submitting to the Embassy for attestation/legalization.


i. Police Report Issued online: – It can be submitted directly to the Embassy for attestation.

ii. Authenticity of Nepali Driving License: Most of the Driving licenses can be submitted directly to the Embassy for the verification of authenticity, however, some of them have to be verified from Nepal.  Please contact to the Embassy to find if you can submit directly.

   b. Documents issued in foreign countries:

Documents issued in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania should be attested by the Consular Department of the respective country.

Documents issued in any country other than the countries mentioned above, should be attested from the Nepali Embassy accredited to the issuing country.

  1. Duly fill the prescribed form

Please download attached form here (Nepali/English), print it out and fill-in the type of documents you want to attest. If the document is not mentioned in the form, you can fill it in the blank space. Typing or writing by your hand – only in Nepali or in English – will be accepted.

  1. Submit the original and copy of the documents to be attested along with the form.
  2. Pay the revenue


Frequently asked questions.

1. Must I personally come to the Embassy?

You may come personally to the Embassy or can send the document with your relatives or by post. If you are not coming personally and sending the documents by post, we recommend to contact to the Embassy to ensure that you have completed all the procedures.

2. Must I take prior appointment?

No, you need not to take appointment, you can come to the Embassy at consular hours (Monday-Friday 09 – 12:30)

3. How long it takes for attestation?

If the document is submitted fulfilling all the procedures, and the applicant comes in-person it will be on the same day depending upon the workload. If it is sent by post, we will dispatch it back within three working days and the exact day of delivery depends upon the courier.

However, if further verification is required, it may take up to two weeks or often even longer.

4. Shall I pay in cash? Or I can transfer the amount by bank? When can I make bank transfer?

Both cash payment and bank transfer will be accepted. Please note that only local currency (Danish Kroner) will be accepted. If you are sending the money from outside Denmark, you have to add bank commission on top of the attestation fee(normally 50 DKK). Please ask your bank for the transfer commission.

We recommend you to transfer the amount only when the Embassy staff asks you to do so. This is because, once you pay the amount, we cannot refund the amount from here. We must write to the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Finance for the refund, that will take long and you have to fulfil certain conditions to be eligible for refund. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours to transfer the amount from the country other than from Denmark.

5. Can I pay the amount in other currency?

No, you cannot pay the amount in any other currency except Danish Kroner.

6. If I send the document by post who pays for the postal charge? How to pay it?

If you are sending the documents by post you have to pay postal charge for both ways. You can either send return envelope and ask the courier to pick it up from the Embassy or send the postal charge to the Embassy so that the Embassy can send it back it to you. It costs DKK 99 to send within Denmark and 132 to other 7 countries (Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) which you can send together with the attestation charge.

Fee Structure for Attestation/Legalization/Power of Attorney:

This is to inform all the concerned that the Embassy will charge fees as per the decision of the Government of Nepal (Council of Ministers)  dated 29 June 2018 for the attestation of the documents as specified below, with effect from 17 July 2018.


S. No. Type of Document/Service Attestation Charge (DKK per page) Remarks
1. Welfare related services:
·               Recommendation for organ transplantation
·               Recommendation regarding dead body
·               Recommendation regarding search, rescue, and repatriation
·               Application regarding compensation for the injured or dead body, or
·               General recommendations for Nepali Students such as recommendation for admission and,
·               Such other services

Free of charge

2. ·               Letter of Consent, guarantee letter,
·               employment contract, service contract or such other labour related services,
·               Marriage Certificate, Marital Status Certificate, and Relationship Certificate,
·               Driving License,
·               Birth certificate, death certificate, divorce certificate,
·               To Whom It May Concern, No Objection Certificate (NOC) and
·               Other such kinds of documents
·               Academic Certificate and other documents required to students for the purpose of study. 150 Proof is required
3. ·               Copy Attestation of document issued by bank and financial institution,
·               Migration Certificate,
·               Police Clearance Certificate,
·               Medical Report,
·               Affidavit,
·               Letter of Origin and,
·               Such other documents
4. Power of Attorney 25।00 Power of Attorney Attestation of unidentified case

25।00 Power of Attorney Attestation of ownership transfer of property within three generation of family-Single

250।00 Power of Attorney Attestation of ownership transfer of property outside three generation of family-Third Part
5. Demand Letter (Attestation of the Demand Letter will be as follows)
S. No. Number of Employees Demanded Fees for a set of demand letter
a) 1 – 25 2400
b) 26 – 100 2800
c) 101 and above 3200
d) Correction charge per document (if any of the document is resubmitted for correction) 800


Please find the Application for Au Pair Demand Attestation/Verication in this link.Application for Au Pair (Attestation)
Applicants are requested to send the service charges through bank transfer unless they present in person at the Embassy.

पुनश्चः नेपाल सरकार (मन्त्रिपरिषद) को निर्णयानुसार मिति २०७५ साउन १ तदनुसार २०१८ जुलाई १७ देखि लागू हुने गरी प्रमाणीकरण शुल्कमा देहायबमोजिम परिवर्तन हुने भएकोले सम्वन्धित सवैमा जानकारीका लागि अनुरोध गरिन्छ ।

(परिवारका सदस्य भित्रका लागी)within Family Member

(परिवारका सदस्य भन्दा बाहिराका लागी) beyond the Family Member

क्र. सं कागजातको प्रकार प्रमाणीकरण दस्तुर प्रति कागजात (डेनिश क्रोनरमा) कैफियत
१. कल्याणकारी प्रकारका सेवाहरु (अंग प्रत्यारोपणका लागि सिफारिश, खोजतलास तथा उद्धार सम्वन्धी कार्यको सिफारिश, घाईते तथा मृतकको क्षतिपूर्ति सम्बन्धी निवेदन वा अन्य यस्तै प्रकारका सेवाहरु) । निःशुल्क निःशुल्क
२. मन्जुरीनामा, जमानतपत्र, रोजगार सम्झौता, सेवा सम्झौता वा अन्य यस्तै प्रकारका श्रम सम्बन्धी सेवाहरु, विवाहदर्ता, शैक्षिक प्रमाणपत्र, नाता प्रमाणित, नागरिकता र लाईसेन्स, वैवाहिक अवस्थाको प्रमाणपत्र, जन्मदर्ता, मृत्युदर्ता, सम्बन्धविच्छेद दर्ता प्रमाणपत्र, सवै प्रकारका निवेदन, जो जससँग सम्बन्धित छ वा अन्य यस्तै प्रकारका कागजातहरु। ४००।००
३. बैंक तथा बित्तिय संस्थावाट जारी भएका कागजात प्रतिलिपि प्रमाणीकरण वा बसाँईसराइ वा प्रहरी प्रतिवेदन वा चिकित्सकको प्रमाणपत्र, एफिडेभिट, उत्पत्तिको प्रमाणपत्र वा यस्तै प्रकारका अन्य कागजातहरु । ८००।००
४. अधिकृत वारेसनामा 25।०० 250।००
५. मागपत्रका सम्वन्धमा क्र सं श्रमिक संख्या लाग्ने दस्तुर
१ देखि २५ २,४००।००
२६ देखि १०० २,८००।००
१०० भन्दा बढी ३,२००।००
मागपत्रसँग सम्वन्धित कागजात सच्याउनका लागि पुनः पेश गर्नुपरेमा । प्रति   कागजात । ८००

पुनश्चः बैंक ट्रान्सफर कमिशन (डेनमार्क वाहिरवाट शुल्क पठाउँदा सामान्यतयाः ५०।०० क्रोनर) तथा हुलाक खर्च ((डेनमार्कभित्रको लागि क्रोनर ९९।०० र डेनमार्क बाहिरको लागि क्रोनर १३०।००) सेवाग्राही आफैंले व्यहोर्नुपर्ने भएकोले माथि उल्लिखित दस्तुरमा सो समेत थप गरी पठाउनुहुन अनुरोध गरिन्छ ।

Please find the bank details at the bottom of this page and transfer the exact amount as mentioned in the above table.
Also remember to click on “The Orderer will pay all charges” option while transferring the amount.

The bank details:

Name of Beneficiary: Embassy of Nepal, Copenhagen
Bank: Danske Bank
Reg. No.: 4001
Account No.: 3204374848
IBAN: DK9530003204374848


नागरिकता परित्याग Renunciation of Nepali Citizenship:

Nepali national willing to renounce Nepalese citizenship can apply to the Embassy by filling a form (schedule 9) for which they have to come in-person to the Embassy with the following documents.

  1. Nepali citizenship certificate (original),
  2. Nepali passport (original)
  3. Foreign Passport(original), if any
  4. Two copies of passport size photographs taken no earlier than last six months
  5. An application form –schedule 9 (अनुसूचि ९ फाराम)

Download Application Form here

Frequently asked questions about citizenship renouncement.

1. Must I personally come to the Embassy?

Yes, you have to come personally to the Embassy and sign the application form in fort of the Embassy officials.

2. Must I take prior appointment?

No, you need not to take appointment, you can come to the Embassy at consular hours (Monday-Friday 09 – 12:30)

3. How long it takes to complete the process?

If the document is submitted fulfilling all the procedures, it will be done within an hour.

4. What to do if I lost my citizenship and I have a copy?

If you lost original copy of your citizenship and you only have a copy, you have to write an application stating that you want to renounce the citizenship but do not have original copy and send it by email to the Embassy. We will very the authenticity of the document from the concerned District Administration Office and let you know once it is verified. Once you receive the notice, you can apply for the renouncement.