COVID-19 भाइरस सम्बन्धमा दूतावासको अनुरोध

१. माननीय उप-प्रधानमन्त्री तथा रक्षा मन्त्री ईश्वर पोखरेलज्यूको संयोजकत्वमा गठित COVID-19 संक्रमण, रोकथाम तथा नियन्त्रण उच्चस्तरीय समन्वय समितिको निर्णयअनुसार युरोप, पश्चिम एसिया, तथा खाडी क्षेत्रका सबै मुलुकहरू एवं टर्की, मलेसिया, दक्षिण कोरिया र जापानबाट सिधा उडान भई आउने, ती मुलुकलाई ट्रान्जिट बनाई आउने तथा उल्लिखित मुलुकहरूबाट प्रथम यात्रा शुरु गरी अन्य जुनसुकै मुलुकलाई ट्रान्जिट बनाई आउने सबै यात्रुलाई २०७६ चैत्र

Urgent Notice: Travel Restrictions

All the passengers coming through direct flights, having a transit at, or taking the first flight of their origin from Europe, West-Asia and all the Gulf Countries, Turkey, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan are subjected to Arrival Restrictions in Nepal. This restriction will take effect from NST 24:00 hrs. 20 March 2020 til NST 24:00 12 April 2020.  (Please visit

COVID-19 का सम्बन्धमा जारी सूचना

COVID-19 भाइरसको बढ्दो प्रकोपका कारण थप सजगता अपनाउनु पर्ने देखिएकोले यस दूतावासको कार्यक्षेत्र अन्तरगत पर्ने मुलुकहरु डेनमार्क, नर्वे, स्वीडेन, फिनल्याण्ड, आइसल्याण्ड, लिथुआनिया, लाट्भिया तथा स्टोनियामा रहेका नेपालीहरूलाई निम्न अनुसारको व्यवस्थाका सम्बन्धमा हार्दिक अनुरोध गरिएको छ । कोरोना भाईरस सङ्क्रमण र रोकथामका विषयमा आफू बसोबास गरेको मुलुकको सरकारबाट जारी सूचना/निर्देशनहरू तथा नेपाल सरकार स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालय ( बाट समय समयमा

Notice: Closure of the Embassy

The Embassy will remain closed on 21 February 2020 on the occasion of Nepali festival Mahasivaratri. सूचनाः दूतावास बन्द रहने बारेको सूचना । नेपाली चाड महाशिवरात्रीको अवसरमा यही फागुन ९ गते शुक्रबारका दिन दूतावास बन्द रहने व्यहोरा सूचित गरिन्छ । Embassy of Nepal, Copenhagen 20 February 2020

New Passports/28 January 2020

The following passports have been received today. You are requested to collect the passports as soon as possible. Those whose passports are to be sent by post are requested to check and be sure whether they have sent the postal fee and postal address to send the passports to the destination. If you have not sent , please transfer the

Merry Christmas Notice !

This is to inform all the concerned that the Embassy will remain closed from 25 to 26 December 2019 on the happy occasion of Merry Christmas. The Embassy will resume its works as usual from Friday, 27 December 2019. Embassy of Nepal Copenhagen

New Passports/11 Dec. 2019

The following passports have been received today. You are requested to collect the passports as soon as possible. Those whose passports are to be sent by post are requested to check and be sure whether they have sent the postal fee and postal address to send the passport to the destination. If you have not sent , please transfer the